Dhananjay Yellurkar
Dhananjay Yellurkar

Dhananjay Yellurkar

Bandra native pens memoir on running marathons in six continents post-heart surgery; the story of hope shows the power of persistence and resilience

The two-year Covid-19 slowdown, when the wheels of a rapidly whirring world seemed to fall off, was a transformative time for many. A finance professional from Mumbai, Dhananjay Yellurkar, 58, used that time to write his recently published book, ‘Fuel for my journey,’ a memoir about running marathons post cardiac surgery.

Dhananjay Yellurkar who is a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) with NIIF Infrastructure Finance Limited (NIIF IFL), is one of the very few people, “rare” as he said himself, who has run full marathons (42.2 km) across six continents post his heart attack and open-heart surgery, which he had when he was 46.